23 August 2007

In The Begining...

...I weigh approximately 265 lbs. I'd be more accurate, but I haven't found a scale yet. But there is still KMart to look at, so hopefully there is one there.

EDIT: I have a scale now, and my starting weight is 276 lbs.


Weight: 265 lbs (Note: My highest weight ever was 280 lbs, and that was approximately 3-4 years ago.)

Stomach(at widest point): 56 inches (WTF? I had no idea I was that big around.)

Waist: 53 inches (but I stuff myself into 42s and 44s)

Thighs (Both): 61 inches

Biceps (Both): 33 inches

Neck: 17.25 inches

1 comment:

Kim Ayres said...

Your stats are not dissimmilar to mine when I started - 275lbs, 18inch collar.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog by the way