Below are 100 reasons that I want to lose weight.
Some are healthy, some are whimsical, and some are impractical, but they are my reasons and I'm sticking to them.
- To end, or at least lessen, my headaches and depression.
- To be able to wear the clothes I've always wanted to.
- To be comfortable in my own skin.
- To run a mile in less than 10 minutes. (I know that's a very large amount of time, but, as of 5 years ago, I 'ran' a mile in 16 minutes or so.)
- To bike all the way to the store without having to rest halfway through.
- To feel confident enough to date.
- To regulate my blood pressure and cholesterol within healthy limits.
- To be unashamed when I visit a doctor.
- To stop getting a stitch in my side when I do anything related to running, walking, or jogging.
- To hike the entire Appalacian Trail.
- To go out clubbing and not care who's watching me dance.
- To lose the dangerous belly fat.
- To have well-defined muscles.
- To not get odd looks when I say that I like to bike and kayak.
- To go swimming without being body shy.
- To feel comfortable enough to walk into a gym.
- To feel okay when someone takes my picture.
- To feel confident like I did when I was a little kid.
- To act and sing - in front of other people!
- To push the plate away while it still has food on it.
- To not feel hungry all the time.
- To be at a healthy weight for the first time in more than 10 years.
- To inspire my younger sister to be healthier.
- To go shirtless without shame.
- To not feel obligated to clean my plate, then someone else's as well, just because I'm the fat guy and I'll eat anything.
- To play 5 expert songs on DDR consecutively.
- To help my joints, which seem like they're 20 years older than the rest of my body.
- Improved posture.
- To stop getting sick all of the time.
- To look good in my favorite jacket.
- To feel comfortable naked.
- To go white water rafting.
- To wear tight clothing and look good in it.
- To stop my parents from worrying about my health.
- To ease the start of my medical transition.
- To be happier.
- More energy.
- I hate my double chin.
- Come to think of it, I hate my stomach as well.
- And my thighs.
- To lift my own weight.
- To comfortably fit onto amusement park rides, airplane seats, and auditorum seating.
- To fit into clothes without an X in them.
- To climb the rock wall at my university.
- To shock the friends I only see once a year.
- To live into old age.
- To be able to zip my boots all the way up.
- To not feel like a cliche.
- To get the tattoos I want without feeling self conscious.
- To lose the flab under my arms.
- To play around with my parents' dogs, because they need the companionship and I need the exercise.
- To not be obese.
- For Michael.
- To look good in leather.
- I want to help my father remodel the house.
Best of luck with your weight loss goals!
That's a really good list. Positive reinforcement.
You might find it an interesting exercise to try and explore what you gain from being the size you are.
Examples might be, food tastes good, or there's less expectation on you to achieve things, or people ignore you, or even people notice you more, or it stops you feeling sad, etc.
Try and come up with as many reasons for why it's good to be so big - however trivial - and at the end, then look through them all and see if any strike a deeper chord that you'd initially thought. If we can get to the bottom of what we're gaining by being obese, it makes it easier to create strategies to lose and keep the weight off.
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