26 February 2008

Week 2

279 lbs

Don't look for a food update this week, I haven't been tracking it.

18 February 2008

Week 1

282.5 lbs.

It's something at least.

Now playing: The White Stripes - The Denial Twist
via FoxyTunes

16 February 2008

Week 1 Totals

This covers Wednesday through Friday, although all other weekly totals will cover Saturday through Friday. I've also decided to do weigh ins on Mondays, so that means I'll be posting at least twice a week from now on.

Weekly Totals:

Calories consumed: 5660 (an average of 1887 daily, which incidentally included a binge on Wednesday.)

Protein consumed: 125 (an average of 42 daily. That's okay, although I'd like to try to get it up to 50g a day.)

Minutes exercised: 10. (Yeah, that's bad. Well, now I know what I have to work on the most.)

Minutes walked: 15. (See above.)

As an excuse, I've been sick and haven't felt like exercising. Or walking. Or moving, really.

Also, I've decided to track my fiber intake, so that will appear here as well next week.

Now playing: Emilie Autumn - Juliet
via FoxyTunes

12 February 2008

Resolve - I has it

I think I may have managed to shock myself into action again.

Based on a number of things, I think that I am pre-diabetic. I'm not even 20 yet. It scares the shit out of me. So, once again...

  1. I am going to kick the majority of processed foods, focusing on high fructose corn syrup and monosodium glutamate.
  2. I will eat at least 3 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
  3. I will exercise at least 30 minutes a day, every day, not counting walking.
  4. I will walk for 30 minutes a day, at least 3 times a week.
  5. I will keep track of my food intake and of my exercise by writing it down in a physical notebook.
  6. I will post totals to this blog on a weekly basis: weight, total calories consumed, minutes exercised, and distance walked.

(For the curious - I am in therapy for my depression and anxiety. Thanks for the suggestions though!)

Now playing: Cranberries - The Sweetest Thing
via FoxyTunes

05 February 2008

I...? You...? What?

Sorry for not posting recently. I've been relatively depressed, although not at my lowest point. Near it though. I haven't been following any diet plan or keeping track of my meals, and I'm afraid of what the scale will say when I finally get the courage to step back onto it again.

My mother brought up the possibility of my having bariatric surgery- Lap-band, to be specific. But... I don't know. I'll admit that I have thought about it before, and our health insurance covers the procedure. Yet it somehow feels like cheating. I've been overweight and obese for what seems like my entire life, and I've been dieting since I was 11. I associate food with rewards, with comfort, with safety and acceptance. A doughnut isn't going to reject me, even if I say/do something wrong, look bad, etc. And food is one of coping methods, which I know is fairly common. So much so that I'm addicted to it. I have to be, to hate myself as I continue to stuff my mouth full, unable to stop 'til the box is empty, the crumbs gone. And I hate myself when I do that, I really do. But apparently compulsive overeating is better than my other coping mechanism, which is self-injury. Other than these self-destructive habits, I don't deal with stress. And I have a lot of stress. Just leaving my apartment stresses me out. I have an unofficial diagnosis of depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, and very mild agoraphobia, in addition to Gender Identity Disorder and Gender Dysphoria. I haven't talked about these things before because I wanted this blog to focus on weight loss, not my personal life. But it seems like I cannot separate them from one another.

Now playing: Le Tigre - I'm So Excited
via FoxyTunes