16 February 2008

Week 1 Totals

This covers Wednesday through Friday, although all other weekly totals will cover Saturday through Friday. I've also decided to do weigh ins on Mondays, so that means I'll be posting at least twice a week from now on.

Weekly Totals:

Calories consumed: 5660 (an average of 1887 daily, which incidentally included a binge on Wednesday.)

Protein consumed: 125 (an average of 42 daily. That's okay, although I'd like to try to get it up to 50g a day.)

Minutes exercised: 10. (Yeah, that's bad. Well, now I know what I have to work on the most.)

Minutes walked: 15. (See above.)

As an excuse, I've been sick and haven't felt like exercising. Or walking. Or moving, really.

Also, I've decided to track my fiber intake, so that will appear here as well next week.

Now playing: Emilie Autumn - Juliet
via FoxyTunes

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