20 April 2008

The Past and The Future

I have always been heavy. When I was a little kid, I was cute and chubby, but not too badly overweight. However, by the time I was 11 years old, I weighed 160 lbs. I began to avoid sports like the plague because I didn’t want anyone else to see me struggle to play. Starting then, I began to yo-yo diet, starting with the Protein Power diet. I can remember a seriously low point during that diet. I started crying uncontrollably and hid away in my room, all because I wouldn’t let myself eat the sandwich I wanted. That diet made me lose my mind. After that, I routinely lost small amounts of weight only to go off the various fad diets and gain it all back, plus more. At 17, I’d packed 280 lbs on a 5’8 frame. Over the next 2 years (up to now) I managed to get down to 252, only to shoot up to my all time high of 296.5lbs. Approaching the 300 lb mark scares me. Looking back now, it’s obvious that I’ve been struggling with an eating disorder. I’ve had episodes of periodic binging, and alternatively episodes of anorexia where I exercised away every single calorie that passed my lips. Thankfully purging has never really come into the equation, but it’s been awfully close.

My own negativity and utter lack of self-confidence are two of my biggest obstacles. “It’s too hot. It’s too early. I’ll look stupid. I can’t walk that far. I won’t stick with it this time either. Why bother, it’s not like anyone else cares. I’m tired. Everyone will stare at me.” I'm fighting back against all of that. I can do this. People who care about me also care about my health. And if other people stare, so what? I need to lessen my paranoia anyway. Let them watch me lose weight, I don't care about them anymore. I won't let my fears control my weight any more. I can do this, and I'm ready to start.

Now playing: The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
via FoxyTunes

The Rite Weight Plan

Correction: I'm following a modified version of the Rite Weight Plan. The original is on the edge of a Very Low Calorie - averaging less than 950 calories per day. Not a good idea for me to cut back so low at this point in time, so I've made a few alterations.

The plan goes like this, with my additions in red:

1 Fruit or 1 Grain
1 Fruit
1 Protein
Non-caloric beverage

Morning Snack
1 Protein
1 Fruit or Vegetable

1 Protein
1 Fruit
1 Vegetable
2 cups lettuce
1 Extra
Non-caloric beverage

Afternoon Snack
1 Protein
1 Fruit or Vegetable

1 Protein
1 Fruit
1 Vegetable
1 Vegetable
2 cups lettuce
1 Extra
Non-caloric beverage

Evening Snack
1 Protein

Extras are condiments, coffee creamer, etc.

My additions add on another 200 calories or so per day.

The plan also encourages 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Now playing: Regina Spektor - Samson
via FoxyTunes

19 April 2008

Standing Up

I'm sorry for the long absence. I hit a rough spot and everything sort of went downhill from there. But, hey, if you fall down seven times, stand up eight. So that's where we are now. I'm about to weigh myself for the first time in over a month. I've been avoiding the scale because I'm afraid of it. But I am going to do this, I deserve to know so that I can face up to the fact that yes, my weight really is a serious problem. So here we go...

Weight: 295 lbs.

I'm kind of in shock. I'm definitely disgusted. That's the most I've weighed, ever. When the numbers came up on the screen I didn't believe it. I hate the fact that I let myself fall this far. I need to lose more than 100 lbs now. I'm afraid that I can't do it. After all, I've been dieting since I was 11 and it's never lasted before. But I'm going to get out of that slump. I can't stand weighing this much and being this unhealthy. I can't even bike a quarter mile before my EIA (exercise induced asthma) starts acting up. That's shameful.

I got this idea from another blog. Unfortunately, I can't remember which.

I am afraid to be thin because…

1. I use food to avoid my feelings.

2. I’ve never been thin in my entire life.

3. I use my weight to avoid socializing.

4. Being fat is comfortable.

I've also started participating in the Rite Weight Plan, which is a free online program from Rite Aid.

Now playing: Cake - Hem of Your Garment
via FoxyTunes