20 April 2008

The Rite Weight Plan

Correction: I'm following a modified version of the Rite Weight Plan. The original is on the edge of a Very Low Calorie - averaging less than 950 calories per day. Not a good idea for me to cut back so low at this point in time, so I've made a few alterations.

The plan goes like this, with my additions in red:

1 Fruit or 1 Grain
1 Fruit
1 Protein
Non-caloric beverage

Morning Snack
1 Protein
1 Fruit or Vegetable

1 Protein
1 Fruit
1 Vegetable
2 cups lettuce
1 Extra
Non-caloric beverage

Afternoon Snack
1 Protein
1 Fruit or Vegetable

1 Protein
1 Fruit
1 Vegetable
1 Vegetable
2 cups lettuce
1 Extra
Non-caloric beverage

Evening Snack
1 Protein

Extras are condiments, coffee creamer, etc.

My additions add on another 200 calories or so per day.

The plan also encourages 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Now playing: Regina Spektor - Samson
via FoxyTunes

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