19 August 2007

Day 1

Chicken & bean burrito - 400 kcal
Powerade - 60 kcal
Chipotle & cheddar crackers - 760 kcal (Shut up. I had to splurge on something. i just.... have to. I'm a compulsive overeater and I forgot to measure portions first and finished off the whole box. I'm portioning up the other foods that can be preportioned.)
Rasinets - 380 kcal
Ham Sandwich - 220 kcal (No more food today. Shouldn't of eaten this, but I was hungry.)

Total: 1600

I was just reminded of the fact that I'm going to my Nanny Rose's housewarming this weekend. That means Cajun food! Hell yes!! That also means goodbye sensible diet. But I will try to eat healthy except when confronted by the cajun food that I get a maxium of 4 times a year.

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