22 August 2007

Day 4

Bologna sandwich - 180 kcal
Gatorade - 180 kcal
Japanese shrimp & rice - 600 kcal

TOTAL: 960

1 comment:

Kim Ayres said...

This entry where you've had less than 1,000 calories is a bit worrying. Do not starve yourself. Not only does excessive calorie deprivation lead to depression, but its not sustainable. It will only increase your food cravings.

Look to eat sensible foods rather than eating a lot less. If you are counting calories, don't be much less than 1800 to 2,000 and certainly don't go below 1500 at your size.

The main thing to remember is you need to eat in a way that you could sustain indefinitely. Eat healthily.

Remember food is not just fuel, but vitamins and minerals too.

If you're going to eat 500 calories worth of something, make sure it's something that will do you good rather than "empty" calories of stuff high in fat and sugar.

Generally speaking the less processed your food the better.